Dear Developer
This mailing list is used for important announcements regarding new functions or interfaces as well as new guidelines and also updates regarding the development process. Yesterday, the TB proposed a new maintenance model as an alternative to the classic component maintainer model suited for certain very specific scenarios (see pull request on Github linked bellow). The TB intends to discuss this during the next JF. You are very welcome to give feedback or ask for changes directly on the Pull Request on Github:
Thank you a lot in advance.
Timon Amstutz, on behalf of the Technical Board
Universität Bern
Vizerektorat Lehre
iLUB - Supportstelle für ICT-gestützte Lehre und Forschung
Stellvertretende Leitung iLUB
Konzeption und Entwicklung ILIAS
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Tel. +41 31 631 82 72