Dear developers,
I merged yesterday.
Please migrate your JS libs to npm. The are already included in
node_modules (you may switch to other versions). The remaining steps are:
- Modify your PHP code to include the npm path instead of the bower path.
- call > bower uninstall <your lib>
- remove the lib from bower.json
- test
For some libs we don't have any volunteer for the migration yet, but I
think they fall into several maintainerships:
1. query-ui-touch-punch-fix
Michael, this is being used in the onscreen chat (and in the t&a).
2. bootstrap-datetimepicker
Stefan, this is being used in Services/Calendar.
3. jquery-dragster
Timon, Fabian, this is being used in the KS Dropzone element.
4. jquery-mousewheel
Fabian, this is being used in Services/Preview.
5. nestable2
Michael, this is being used in ilMultipleNestedOrderingElementsInputGUI
which has been originally developed by Nadia as far as I can see.
6. pouchdb
Uwe, this is being used in the SCORM module only.
Please take care of these libs. It usually just takes only a few minutes
to change the paths and do a quick check.
Best regards
Alexander Killing
Wilhelmstr. 56-58, 50733 Köln
Tel: +49.221.12071890
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Köln
Eingetragen beim Handelsregister Amtsgericht Köln (HRB 63686)
Geschäftsführer: Alexander Killing, Stefan Meyer, Alexandra Tödt
Dear all,
We would like to publish ILIAS 5.4.12 on Friday, May 29, 2020.
If you need more time to fix bugs that should become part of this bug
fix release, please let me know.
Best regards
Fabian Wolf
Dear all,
We are very happy to announce that the first stable release of our new
ILIAS version 6 has been published today. You find release 6.0 at
Thanks to all developers, funding partners and supporters for their
contributions and support. Over 100 new or extended features have been
implemented – and some have also been removed. Have a look at the
release page of ILIAS 6 to get an impression of what has changed:
ILIAS 6 comes also with a revised page layout. If you have customised
the layout of your ILIAS installation you have to adapt it to the new look.
And don’t miss the list of required software for ILIAS 6 to be sure that
this new ILIAS version is running properly on your server:
Kind regards
Fabian Wolf
Dear ILIAS developers, dear ILIAS service providers,
With this mail we renew our call for bids for metrics for a maturity model. This is an important project to improve the quality of the ILIAS software and its maintenance.
You find all necessary information in the attached file. The new deadlines are June 30, 2020, for handing in a bid and October 01, 2020 for delivering the metrics.
We are looking forward for your proposal.
Thanks a lot and kind regards,
Matthias Kunkel
* * * * *
Matthias Kunkel
ILIAS Product Manager
General Manager ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Wilhelmstraße 56-58 • D-50733 Koeln <>
verein(a) <>
* * * * *
Liebe ILIAS-Entwickler,
auf dem Weg zu einem stabilen Release von ILIAS 6 haben wir in den letzten Wochen u.a. einige Testfälle angepasst, die zu Unrecht auf „failed“ standen. Es wurden z.T. Features verkürzt oder falsch beschrieben, weshalb ein Bugfix nicht möglich war.
Aktuell stehen in TestRail noch 148 Fälle auf „failed“. Dies entspricht etwa 3,4% aller Testfälle.
Falls unter diesen Fällen vereinzelt Beschreibungen zu finden sind, die Eurem Verständnis nach unzutreffend sind, sagt mir doch bitte kurz Bescheid. Schickt mir einfach die Testfall-ID und eine kurze Beschreibung des Problems. Gerne überprüfe ich die Fälle und passe sie ggf. an.
So können wir verhindern, dass diese Testfälle im nächsten Jahr erneut zu fälschlichen Meldungen führen.
Danke Euch und schöne Grüße