Dear all,
Yesterday evening we pushed with the blessing of the JF some rather large batch of CSS changes to ILIAS 7 and Core (see: We are aware that we are closing in to the release. So if you experience any issues, feel free to assign us an issue ticket in mantis „CSS / Templates“. I will look into it.
Thx to all,
Universität Bern
Vizerektorat Lehre
iLUB - Supportstelle für ICT-gestützte Lehre und Forschung
Stellvertretende Leitung iLUB
Konzeption und Entwicklung ILIAS
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
Tel. +41 31 631 82 72
Dear ILIAS service providers, dear ILIAS developers,
please find attached a call for bids for a project manager to ensure PHP 8 compatibility of ILIAS. You find all necessary information in the attached document. Deadline for bids is 14 MAR 2021.
If you are interested, please send your bid to info(a) <>.
With kind regards on behalf of the Technical Board,
* * * * *
Matthias Kunkel
Geschäftsführer ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Wilhelmstraße 56-58 • 50733 Köln
Web & E-Mail: <>
verein(a) <>
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