Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Wir haben uns in den letzten Monaten viele Gedanken rund um die Inputs in der KS gemacht. Richard hat nun einen Vorschlag ausgearbeitet, welcher wesentliche Aspekte von Input-Handling beinhaltet. In Zukunft wollen wir viele zentrale UI-Komponente auf Basis von diesem Vorschlag integrieren (Forms, Filter, etc.). Da dieser Vorschlag zu gross und komplex ist, um ihn einfach als regulärer PR via JF zu diskutieren, werden wir am 2. Oktober im ILIAS HDQ in Köln in Präsenzworkshop (Dauer ca. 3-4 Stunden) veranstalten. Da das Ergebnis dieses Workshop die meisten von euch Entwicklern in der einen oder anderen Form betreffen wird, würden wir uns über eine zahlreiche Beteiligung freuen.
Bitte gebt uns ein kurzes Feedback per Mail, wenn ihr plant an diesem Meeting teil zu nehmen. Genaue Uhrzeit folgt.
Beste Grüsse
Timon und Richard
Dear developers and administrators,
the following information may save you some time as it took me a while to figure it out:
Today I noticed some strange issues regarding XML handling in ILIAS with (v5.2.6 2017-07-13, PHP Initially, I discovered a problem in one of my plugins which deals with XML that uses simplexml_load_file() with a local(!) file.
The error message I got from it was:
simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "[MY_FILE]"
I checked everything twice, the 'cwd', the include path, PHP ini settings ...
Surprisingly (for me), I was able to read the contents of the XML file one line before I called simplexml_load_file(). Passing the XML string to simplexml_load_string() worked fine.
The error occured randomly (I initially thought), so I really had no idea what could cause that. Then our administrators reported issues when copying/cloning courses via SOAP in customer installations. I exported and imported the course in question as XML into my local installation (which worked fine) and tried to copy the course to reproduce the reported issue afterwards. It worked perfectly with PHP 7.0, but failed with PHP 5.6. The error log contained the same I/O warning mentioned above.
When I added ...
... in my plugin before using simplexml_load_file() and before the ILIAS SOAP server is instantiated in ./webservice/soap/server.php, the issue seems to be fixed for both cases.
libxml_disable_entity_loader() is not thread safe, so this is the root of all evil (including but not limited to pineapple on pizza).
If ...
... is called in another script (or another PHP application) and not resetted to false, the problematic state persists globally. There are even some calls of with a boolean true in ILIAS (PHPExcel, SVG Sanitizer), which is dangerous in case an error occured and the state could not be properly resetted to a boolean false.
Best regards,
Dear developers, dear service providers,
With this mail I’ll send you a call for bids that has been set up by the technical board of the ILIAS society. You find all necessary information in the attached document. In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or the technical board.
Kind regards,
Matthias Kunkel
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Matthias Kunkel
ILIAS Product Manager
General Manager ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Ebertplatz 14-16 • D-50668 Koeln <>
verein(a) <>
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