Dear ILIAS-Developers,
we have found a date for session:
07.11, 14:00 - 16:00
Please use this link to join the skype call:
I'm looking forwards to have an interesting discussion with you.
Best regards!
Am 27.09.18 um 15:33 schrieb Richard Klees:
Dear ILIAS-Developers,
the term "Repository-Pattern" was introduced in several discussions in the ILIAS-Community lately and some of you may also have heard of that pattern in other contexts.
We (the TB) want to invite you to a discussion of that pattern, find out advantages as well as disadvantages and check, if and how that pattern is applicable in ILIAS.
The discussion will take place via skype and take 2h of your time. Please participate in this doodle to find a date:
In the date itself I would like to start with a short presentation of my understanding of the Repository-Pattern and show some real world usages of that pattern. I would then give some room to challenge my understanding with questions, addendums and criticism. If any of you want to show some code as well I will be happy to give room for that too. Please give me a heads-up if there is something you want to show. We should then have derived a shared understanding of the Repository Pattern and its pros and cons.
I would finally like to discuss the applicability of that pattern in ILIAS and possibly derive some conventions we all could follow if we implement that pattern.
I hope many of you will participate!
Best regards!