Dear developers,
I merged yesterday.
Please migrate your JS libs to npm. The are already included in node_modules (you may switch to other versions). The remaining steps are:
- Modify your PHP code to include the npm path instead of the bower path. - call > bower uninstall <your lib> - remove the lib from bower.json - test
For some libs we don't have any volunteer for the migration yet, but I think they fall into several maintainerships:
1. query-ui-touch-punch-fix
Michael, this is being used in the onscreen chat (and in the t&a).
2. bootstrap-datetimepicker
Stefan, this is being used in Services/Calendar.
3. jquery-dragster
Timon, Fabian, this is being used in the KS Dropzone element.
4. jquery-mousewheel
Fabian, this is being used in Services/Preview.
5. nestable2
Michael, this is being used in ilMultipleNestedOrderingElementsInputGUI which has been originally developed by Nadia as far as I can see.
6. pouchdb
Uwe, this is being used in the SCORM module only.
Please take care of these libs. It usually just takes only a few minutes to change the paths and do a quick check.
Best regards Alex