Dear developers,
This mail is just a reminder for those of you who are making bugfixes in the ILIAS core project in Mantis.
When you fix and commit a bug, please do not forget to add the „Fixed in version“ date in the Mantis report. This is always the next release of the ILIAS version for which this report has been created. Example: bug has been reported for 5.3.12 and is fixed now; next upcoming 5.3 bug fix release is 5.3.16; Release 5.3.16 has to be added to „Fixed in Version“.
Unfortunately, Mantis allows only one release to be added. But you can add something like „Fixed for 5.4.x and trunk, too“ to the comment field in Mantis as well. This helps users who want to know more about the current status of a bug (fix).
Thanks for your support and
Kind regards,
* * * * *
Matthias Kunkel
Geschäftsführer ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Ebertplatz 14-16 • D-50668 Köln
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