Dear ILIAS Developer

Collaboration to reach good results in FOSS Development is great, however best results can be achieved if we have the best tools for communication at hand. In several projects in the recent past, we have experienced some difficulty in finding a good suiting tool in working groups. Many groups work together with teams. However, this is not an option for all members in the community. Others collaborate and chat on slack or WebEx. Since this scattered situation in terms of tools usage makes it hard especially for newcomers to find their way into the community, we would like to try to establish one tool as central hub for the community to exchange and work on ideas on projects to improve ILIAS. Therefore, we decided to organise this “Tool Shoot out” where in a first stage everybody is invited to propose her/his favorite “Tool for an Open ILIAS Workspace” along with some description.

You find all further information in the Group we created for that exact purpose on, see:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. 

Hope to hear from you there
Timon Amstutz on behalf of the ILIAS Technical Board
Universität Bern
Vizerektorat Lehre
iLUB - Supportstelle für ICT-gestützte Lehre und Forschung

Technische Leitung iLUB
Konzeption und Entwicklung ILIAS

Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
