Dear ILIAS developers and service providers,
with this e-mail I would like to remind you at the call for bids for a concept for using ILIAS offline. Deadline for bids is October 08. You find all necessary information in the attached PDF.
Because funding of this concept is provided by Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, the call is written on their letter paper. But the call has been coordinated with the Technical Board and submissions will be assessed by the TB as well.
Please feel free to distribute the call to other interested developers as well.
Looking forward for your submission.
Kind regards,
Matthias Kunkel
* * * * * Matthias Kunkel ILIAS-Produktmanager Geschäftsführer ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Geschäftsstelle: Ebertplatz 14-16 • D-50668 Köln
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